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Tutorial: Making a Shaped Easel Card

Hi there lovelies,

Long time no see! As many as you know, I was working extra hours in my full-time job and I hardly had time to even breath. But it's all over now and I'm back to normal and hopefully with more free time to create ;-)

Anyway, this week is my turn in Saturated Canary You Tube Channel and for this I prepared *hopefully* a nice and easy tutorial on how to create a *shaped easel card*.

There are many newbies out there that still struggle with certain techniques, so I made this one with all of you beginners in mind ;-)

But before I lead you to my video, here are a couple of pics of the finished project:

All supplies and instructions can be found in the video too!

Also *please note*: if you leave me a comment or email regarding a question that you may have, please leave a valid email address so that I can properly reply to you! I get many emails with questions, but then when I try to reply back, I get the "non-reply" email addy, so obviously I can't answer you back. So please when you contact me, make sure that you do leave a valid email address ;-)

OK now click -->here<-- to watch the video.

Have a good day!!

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