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Coloring with Prismacolors: A "Quickie"

Hi everyone!

No, I haven't forgotten about the tutorial I promised on how to color with Prismacolor Pencils!

But the thing is that my laptop suffered a *little, but very unfortunate* accident and until they don't fix it, I can't continue working (and sharing) as I had planned.

I am deeply sorry and very saddened by this! And believe me, it was like taking a candy away from a kid :-(

Anyway, *I may be down, but not out!* And since my passion for crafting is bigger than any hardship I may confront, I chose to continue with my head up aaaannndddd... guess what? I managed to create a couple of *quickie* videos using my iPhone (gotta love the Apple people...LOL) on how I color with Prismas :-)

They are not as detailed as the video tutorials I had prepared for you, but at least you can have an idea on how it is done and I did it with captions in English, so *hopefully* both my English speaking and my Spanish speaking followers will understand them completely.

Now remember that they were done using an iPhone, so the quality is not as good as if they were done with my HD video camera ;-)

And one last thing, I would appreciate it if you leave your feedback. Either if it is good or bad, I want to hear it all! And if you don't feel like commenting, you can always hit the *Like* button under the video window. It takes no effort at all ;-)

OK now for the videos...

Watch them straight from my channel:

or here...

Part 1: Prismacolor Pencils and Mineral Spirits - Coloring the Skin

Part 2: Prismacolor Pencils and Mineral Spirits - Coloring the Hair

Thanks for stopping by!! xoxo

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  1. I'm always looking for instruction on prismacolor pencils, please do more, you are very good.

  2. Absolutely fabulous!!! Nothing wrong with the quality! I just wish you could mention the color of the pencils and also what kind of paper do you use. I am so grateful for a video on using prismas since I don't have a clue what to do with mine. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for the video! I am definitely putting prisms colours that you used on my Xmas list and the blending bits too!

  4. This is just brilliant. I never ever use mine but you make it look super easy. Getting them out 'tonight'!!! Please keep the videos coming. Thank you so much for the inspiriation. Its really appreciate. Oh, by the way, can you please tell me what SC image that is? Ive searched Krista's site but cant find it. Thanks again x


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment! I really appreciate it :-)