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SMASH*ing Experiment: Homemade Washi Tape

Hi everyone,

Hasn't this blog hop been exciting? :-D I think it has! So many wonderful ideas to inspire you ;-)

In my blog hop post I was supposed to show you this other video that I made, but then You Tube decided to act up, so I couldn't upload it on time for all of you to see.

Buuutttt... here it is now!!! :-) A Smash*ing Experiment on how to make Washi Tape using different mediums. See the following pics on some Homemade Washi Tape that I used in my pages:

And the finished page again:

Now about my video... it's a short musical video with captions in English, so that all of my International friends can enjoy it too ;-) And like I said yesterday, it's the 1st time that I make a video... so I'm not a pro! Also, I'm using an old webcam to take these videos, so the image quality is not the best either :-(  I do hope that in the near future I can take better videos and with a decent camera ;-) but in the mean time, enjoy!

Oh, if you're in You Tube... look for me!  From My Art Lab

And if you have one too, just drop me a line with the link so I can subscribe to yours too! ;-)


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  1. Mujer tu me llevas al lado oscuro a una velocidad impresionante!! Que cosa mas espectacular. Voy a prepararles a Estefani para que se lleve para Mexico. Espectacularmente extraordinario!

  2. LOVE this video! It went by a little quick, but I got the idea :) I will definitely be trying these techniques soon!

  3. Hiya there Yani,I am Casper and I am very pleased to meet you!

    You are so clever and have so many great ideas for making Washi tape - I have done a few of these things too but did not know it had a name hee hee - Now I know!

    Your patterns and colours are so cute too!

    Your Smash book pages are gorgeous and well ordered in a strange random way - Love your arrangements on your pages and all yhe elements too!

    I have enjoyed the hop and I am a very New Smash Booker just started last night hee hee and I am already addicted - Love it!

    Take care
    Big Hugs

  4. Gorgeous Yani! I just love these Smash books. I've gone out and bought one and cannot wait to get started. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Hugs, Mindy

  5. I found your blog through the smash hop and i got distracted by all your great content! I will definitely be visiting more often. :) What a great way to end the hop! Also, thanks for sharing your tutorial on washi tape! I'm a total fan. Happy smashing!

  6. Daly, no es al lado oscuro, es al lado colorido.... especialmente el color verde.... Yani gracias por explicar lo del "washi tape". No se porque lo estaba asociando con "sushi". No se loqueras mias. Felicitaciones, tus videos estan bien lindos y claritos. Se entiende el concepto muy bien. Felicitaciones, sigo siendo tu fan.

  7. Me encantan estas ideas. Gracias por compartir tu talento
    Abrazos, Myrna

  8. Yani no habia visto este video.. buscando el tema me aprecio tu video, wow! Te felicito! Sensional!


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